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Thermo Scientific™ Heracell™ 240i CO2 Incubator, 240L, General Purpose

Protect valuable samples while optimizing cell growth. Thermo Scientific™ Heracell™ 240i CO2 Incubators with copper or stainless steel chambers provide the ideal in vitro environment. Clean, reliable and easy to use, they feature fast recovery characteristics and a convenient touchscreen user interface.

23109.98 CHF - 25431.53 CHF


Kapazität (angloamerikanisch) 8.4 ft.³
Datenausgabe RS232
Beschreibung Einzelner 240 L-Inkubator, Standardmodell
Kapazität (metrisch) 240 l
CO2-Konzentrationsbereich 0 bis 20%
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Produkte 2
Produktcode Marke Kammermaterial Elektrische Anforderungen Preis Menge & Verfügbarkeit  
Produktcode Marke Kammermaterial Elektrische Anforderungen Preis Menge & Verfügbarkeit  
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Thermo Scientific™
Elektropolierter Edelstahl 230 V, 50/60 Hz
23109.98 CHF
1 Stück
Verfügbar ab: 07-04-2025
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Thermo Scientific™
Kupfer 230 V, 50/60 Hz
25431.53 CHF
1 Stück
Verfügbar ab: 17-03-2025
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Protect valuable samples while optimizing cell growth. Thermo Scientific™ Heracell™ 240i CO2 Incubators with copper or stainless steel chambers provide the ideal in vitro environment. Clean, reliable and easy to use, they feature fast recovery characteristics and a convenient touchscreen user interface.

Direct heat chamber

  • 240 L (8.4 cu. ft.) electropolished stainless steel or copper chamber with compact footprint, easily stackable
  • Standard left hand door swing, field reversible by qualified service support
  • Minimal, easy-to-clean assembly with smooth inner chamber and rounded corners for easy cleaning
  • In-chamber fan gently distributes conditioned, humidified air throughout the chamber ensuring homogeneous conditions

In situ sensors and probes designed for precise monitoring

  • Choice of TC (thermal conductivity) CO2 sensor for long, reliable operation or IR (infrared) CO2 sensor for monitoring when humidity and temperature are less predictable
  • Dual temperature probes with over temperature protection

Rapid response humidity reservoir

  • Directly heated water reservoir designed to provide stable, high relative humidity, preventing culture desiccation
  • Pan-less system provides recovery rates up to 5X faster than traditional water pans
  • Water level sensor indicates when a refill is needed

ContraCon 90°C moist heat disinfection cycle

  • On-demand cycle simplifies cleaning and eliminates the need to separately autoclave components
  • Operation is push-button simple and does not require removal of sensors or other components


8.4 ft.³
Einzelner 240 L-Inkubator, Standardmodell
0 bis 20%
Optional 1 bis 21 % oder 5 bis 90 %
Umgebungstemperatur +3 °C bis 55 °C
Integriertes Wasserreservoir
32,8 x 30,7 x 36,8 in. (83,4 x 78 x 93,4 cm)
240 l
Optional 1 bis 21 % oder 5 bis 90 %
<90 % bei 37 °C
23 x 23,9 x 26,4 in. (58,3 x 60,7 x 67 cm)
Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)


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